Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex to the Response and Recovery Federal Interagency Operations Plan (US Government Interagency, 2016)

  • Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex to the Response and Recovery Federal Interagency Operations Plan (PDF - 3.38 MB) is composed of
    • Base document:
      • Applicable to all nuclear/radiological incidents
    • 3 branch plans:
      • Branch 1: Suspected or Actual Deliberate Attacks
      • Branch 2: Inadvertent Incidents
      • Branch 3: International Incidents
  • Annex provides hazard-specific supplemental information to the Response and Recovery Federal Interagency Operational Plans.
    • Supplements but does not duplicate the Federal Interagency Operational Plans and other subordinate plans.
  • Although the Annex provides guidance for the Whole Community, it focuses deliberately on the requirements of those who are involved in delivering core capabilities at the federal level.
  • The Annex does not alter or impede the ability of any local, state, tribal, territorial, insular area, or federal agency to execute authorities or meet responsibilities under applicable laws, executive orders, and directives.
  • The term "response" within this annex refers to those activities and capabilities within the Response and Recovery Mission Areas, commonly identified as “consequence management” that are exclusive of any law enforcement and criminal investigation activities and capabilities otherwise described within the Prevention Mission Area.
  • The term "consequence management" is used to describe those Response and Recovery Mission Area activities that include
    • Securing the incident site
    • Assessing the dispersal of radioactive material
    • Enhancing first responder capabilities
    • Ensuring availability of decontamination and site remediation resources
    • Providing radiological medical triage capabilities
    • Increasing population resilience and recovery capabilities
  • See the US Response Framework (PDF - 1.42 MB) (National Response Framework, Fourth Edition, DHS/FEMA, October 2019)