Guidelines for Selecting References for
the REMM Web Site

  • REMM is designed to help healthcare providers find appropriate and trustworthy information about healthcare planning for and response to radiation emergencies.
  • It provides access to information produced by government and non-governmental agencies as well as papers and monographs in the peer-reviewed literature.
  • Below is a summary of how the information is selected consistent with the purpose of REMM.

Goals of the REMM Web Site

  • Provide guidance for health care providers, primarily physicians, about clinical diagnosis and treatment of radiation injury during radiological and nuclear emergencies
  • Provide just-in-time, evidence-based, usable information with sufficient background and context to make complex issues understandable to those without formal radiation medicine expertise
  • Provide web-based information that is also downloadable in advance, so that it would be available during an emergency if the internet is not accessible

Source of Funding

How References are Selected and Prioritized for REMM

Authority, Credibility, and Affiliation

  • Emphasis is on U.S. federal and state government resources, major national (scientific societies, professional organizations, etc.), and international organizations (World Health Organization, etc.).
  • Sponsorship of the site is clear. The credentials or qualifications of the sponsors, writers, or producers are provided.
  • Sites produced by individuals are not included unless there is no other source of the information. The author's name, title, affiliation, and credentials must be provided.
  • Focus is on non-commercial sites. If a commercial site is linked to it the following conditions need to be present:
    • Site makes an obvious distinction between material created for advertising and material created for information.
    • Most content must be available at no charge or be clearly labeled if charges apply.
    • The site's content or presentation should not cause a reasonable user to conclude that products or services are endorsed.

Content, Coverage, and Currency

  • Sites are evaluated to make sure that high-quality information is provided, and that the information is from original sources, which are listed on the web site.
  • The source for the contents of the Web page(s) and the identification of those responsible for maintaining the Web site (webmaster, organization, creator of the content) are clear.
  • Information on the site is unique and not readily available elsewhere. There is a minimum of duplication and overlap between resources. For example: unique images or a glossary that are not found at other web sites.
  • Information about when a page was created, revised, or last updated should be provided. REMM attempts to provide the most recent version of documents and monographs.

Point of View

  • No conflicts of interest are apparent - example: advertising by a sponsor would be a conflict.

Intended Audience

  • Intended audience is clear and materials are written at a level appropriate for healthcare providers and the audiences they serve.
  • The primary purpose of the Web page is educational.

Access, Navigation, and Availability

  • Site is consistently available and loads without problems.
  • Links on the site are functional most of the time.
  • Site is well-organized and users can move around the site easily.
  • Registration, an account, or password is not required to access site information. If registration is requested, how that data is used is clearly stated.


  • An English language version of the Web site is available.